Mjolnir Core
Core functionality of the Mjolnir API

Build from scratch

To build this library from scratch, you first have to clone the repository from GitHub. For the core module, you can use:

git clone https://github.com/Mjolnir-Forge/mjolnir-core.git

Now run CMake:

cmake -S . -B <BUILD_DIR>

This will create a new directory <BUILD_DIR> and create all build files inside of it. It might occur that CMake fails due to an incompatible compiler version. In this case, update your compiler to the required version. You can specify a specific C++ compiler version by adding -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<YOUR_COMPILER> to the command above. Alternatively, you can also add -DIGNORE_CXX_COMPILER_COMPATIBILITY=True to ignore the result of the compatibility check. However, this is strongly discouraged and will most likely cause the build to fail.

If CMake succeeded, start the build process with:

cmake --build <BUILD_DIR>

Adding -j N will accelerate the build process by using N processor cores.

Build options

The following CMake options can be used to customize the build:

  • MJOLNIR_CORE_ENABLE_TESTS: Enables the tests of the core module
  • MJOLNIR_CORE_ENABLE_COMPILER_EXTENSIONS: Enables compiler extensions for the core module
  • MJOLNIR_CORE_ENABLE_LTO: Enables link time optimizations for the core module

The following preprocessor defines also affect the build:

  • STATIC_ANALYSIS: If defined, code sections that have no effect on the quality of the static analysis but cause a huge overhead are removed or modified. An example would be the TYPED_TEST_SERIES macro defined in mjolnir/testing/typed_test_series.h. Have a look at its doxygen documentation for more information.

Additional CMake parameters

The following list collects additional parameters that can be passed to CMake via the command line in the form -D<PARAMETER_NAME>=:

  • IGNORE_CXX_COMPILER_COMPATIBILITY: If the parameters content is evaluates to True, errors due to incompatible compiler versions will be downgraded to warnings
  • MJOLNIR_CORE_ADDITIONAL_COMPILE_FEATURES: Lets you specify additional CMake compile features that should be used during the build process of the core library
  • MJOLNIR_CORE_ADDITIONAL_COMPILE_OPTIONS: Lets you specify additional compiler options that should be used during the build process of the core library
  • MJOLNIR_CORE_ADDITIONAL_LINK_OPTIONS: Lets you specify additional linker options that should be used during the build process of the core library
  • MJOLNIR_ROOT_DIR: Specifies the root directory of the full library
  • MJOLNIR_CORE_ROOT_DIR: Specifies the root directory of the core library