Mjolnir Core
Core functionality of the Mjolnir API
Doxygen documentation

Building the documentation

Local build

To build this documentation locally, you need Doxygen installed. In its current configuration, the graphviz package is also required to build without warnings or errors. If you are using a Linux system, just install both with:

sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz

Alternatively, if you have Conda available, you can install the dependencies using Conda. A dedicated environment file is located at docs/environment.yml. Now navigate to the root directory and run:

doxygen .doxyfile

If you have issues building the documentation, check if your local Doxygen version is identical to the version used in environment.yml. This environment is used to check that the documentation can be build without any warnings or errors. So unless the corresponding GitHub action is also failing, you should be able to build the documentation with an identical setup. In case you are using a different Doxygen version and only some warnings are causing the build to fail (they are treated as errors), you can also set the option WARN_AS_ERROR in the configuration file .doxyfile to NO.


The documentation published on readthedocs.org is build using the Conda environment defined in docs/environment.yml. To learn how the setup works, have a look into this Stack Overflow question and its answers.